Thursday, August 21, 2014
7 Quick Takes: 7 Reasons To Be Thankful This Week
I'm thankful for my daughter (she's the one in the middle) who loves gymnastics and that all my Cupcakes are healthy (and healthy enough to do this with their body! Oh my back!)
I'm thankful that when I just happened to be by myself one afternoon (which is a VERY rare occurrence), I decided to stop in at our local Goodwill store and I found this treasure sketched by Catholic artist, Cameron Smith. (There is a plastic wrap over the print, hence the glare in photo.) No relation to me, but Cameron and his wife are dear friends of ours and they are the Godparents for our youngest. Anyway, I was so very excited to find this print randomly in the store and I got it for an excellent price (though it's worth sooooo much more!) You can check out Cameron's other masterpieces HERE, including his beautiful prints of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary that I own personally, as well.
I'm thankful for our little sweet Cupcake #5 who is modeling her new cupcake PJ's she got from her Godparents, Cameron and Kristen Smith, for her 1st birthday. If you think these photos look like she is on the inside and I'm on the outside, you are right, BUT it was the ONLY way I could get her to stand still long enough for me to snap a photo while she was looking at me. :) Since she's walking now, every time I try to take her photo now the "normal" way (while I'm in the house with her), she keeps walking toward me or running away. :)
I'm thankful for my oldest daughter who is running cross country with our local homeschool sports league which means two things. I have to drive her to practice for EARLY morning practices with her team and I am enjoying running with my daughter to get both of us in shape. I'm enjoying the workouts and good conversations and company. So this photo looks like we are in pain. We kind of are as it was taken after a hot, sweaty run and the sun and sweat are in our eyes. :)
Speaking of fun runs, these are some scenic photos of our favorite spot to run. I am thankful for the beauty and peaceful place that is only walking/running/riding bikes distance from our home.

I am thankful for science experiments that actually WORK and end up being really fun! I'm not one to LOVE doing experiments, but with Apologia Chemistry and Physics text we are using this year and the Creation Sensation experiment kit I bought to go with the text, science experiments are easier for me to actually implement. So how did we get 4 different colors of water in
the straw to form colored layers of yellow, green, red, and blue? It was fascinating to do and it taught about density. If you leave a comment on this post, I'll tell you the "secret". :)
I'm thankful for these precious moments with my Cupcakes as my older daughter fixed her baby sister's hair in the most interesting way. With lots of laughs and giggles, the next thing I heard was "Mom, take a picture!" :)
For more Quick Takes visit Conversion Diary

I also linked this post to Lisa's "My Week in Review" Link-Up at Home to 4 Kiddos

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Yeah for science experiments that work. We've had our share of duds this summer.
I have a friend doing that science with her kiddos this year, and I'm already a little jealous of the photos of the experiments. It's a really cool book I can't get my kids interested in right now!!...Also love the pictures of your little cupcake!
I remember that stage when you can't get a new walker to stop so you can take a picture:). Enjoy your family. Experiment looks cool let me know how it is done my kids love science experiments
I'm a Girl Scout Brownie leader and I'd much rather do science experiments than crafts!
You and your running buddy look more like sisters than moms and daughter!
Loved visiting with you, my new friend!
I too remember trying to get a picture of the babes while they are running right toward you!!!
Have a cozy evening. : )
Hi Kristen from St. Monica's Bridge,
We either don't do experiments that I think won't work or we have had our "share of duds" too so I was especially surprised to see that this was fun and worked! Thanks for stopping in to visit and comment!
Hi "raventhreads",
When I went to your blog I saw a post where you listed your kids' ages and they are still young so maybe Apologia just isn't a good fit now, but maybe it will be later if you try the texts again! :) Thanks for stopping in to comment!
Hi Anna-Marie!
The experiment was teaching about density and you fill 4 glasses with 3/4 full of water making sure the glasses all have same amount of water. Then drop in blue food coloring in 1st glass, then red food coloring in 2nd glass, then green in 3rd, and yellow in 4th. In blue glass stir 1 cup of salt, red glass 2 cups of salt, green glass 3 cups of salt and then the yellow glass stir in 4 cups of salt. Take a plastic straw and dip it about half inch into blue glass. Hold finger on top of straw as you take it out of glass and you will see some of the blue water in straw. Then move straw to red glass while still holding finger on top. Dip straw in red glass, release finger to fill straw a little with red water, then put finger on top of straw as you pick straw out of red water. Then do this same thing for green and yellow glass. You will see that the yellow water stays on bottom because it is more dense than the other colors because yellow had the most salt in the water. Hope this all makes sense enough that you can try it out if you want! Enjoy! :)
Hi RAnn,
Awww, I'm thinking your comment about looking like sisters with my daughter is the sweetest and best comment :) Thank you! :) You are welcome to come back and comment any time :) LOL! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! Great to "meet" you in blog land!
Hi Billie Jo!
Thanks for stopping in again and commenting! Always great to hear from you as well! Yes, when the baby kept walking/running toward me she was so proud and happy, though she was moving too fast to get good photos with my iPhone :) Hope you are having a good weekend!